A lot is a unit of measurement used to standardize the size of foreign exchange transactions. Pips, which represent the fourth decimal place, are used to compare the values of two currencies. Due to the impracticality of trading a single unit, lots were created so that merchants could trade these tiny variations in bulk. An exchange or other analogous market regulator determines the value of a lot, guaranteeing that everyone trades a predefined amount and is aware of the quantity of an item they are trading when they open a position. The four sizes of lots—standard, mini, micro, and nano—are utilized to further differentiate them and provide traders with greater exposure control. Explanation of Forex Lot Dimensions The cost of a currency lot, then. This is determined by whether you are trading a standard, mini, micro, or nano lot. In order to account for minute fluctuations in a currency's value, these four standard units of measurement are used to partition forex trades. The subse...